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  • Email : info@childrensworldafrica.com

Frequently asked questions – The Children’s World Crèche Service:

Listed below are some of the questions that parents using the service have addressed in the recent past.

What age do the children have to be to attend the crèche?

The Creche service is equipped to cater o the needs of children at the crèche from six months through 12 years. The ideal age range is between one year and seven years. By special arrangements, the creche will admit and care for infants from the age of 3 months.

How long can the children stay at the crèche?

Children will usually be dropped off at the crèche when their parent is heading to work or to perform their daily chores. So the crèche will be operated to function during the times designated for work in the neighbouhood where the service is made available.

What do the children do at the crèche all day?

Children’s World has devised a range of activities (based on the best practice in child care and early childhood development) which teachers at each crèche engage the children with every day. Parents are invited from time to time to comment on the activities that are designed for their children

How many children can the crèche accommodate?

This is usually dependent on the needs of every client group – and the space availed for the setting up of the crèche facility. Children’s World is happy to discuss these details with a potential client group and suggest space and equipment requirements and even guide with the selection and placement of these in the space provided.

What languages do the staff at the crèche use?

Children’s World staff are all fluent in English and kiSwahili and are encouraged to use these two languages in communicating with the children attending the Crèches.

What if my child is unwell?

It is vitally important for the crèche staff to know the exact condition of each child that is dropped off at the crèche. The crèche rules of engagement require that the medical condition of the child and any information regarding allergies etc. is recorded in order to ensure that proper care is provided. Children with visible (communicable) ailments will not be allowed in the facility without prior arrangement.

What happens if my child develops an illness while at the Crèche?

It is standard practice to ensure that each crèche has the details of each parent who leaves a child at the crèche. Parents are required to leave information regarding their whereabouts and what to do in the event of an emergency with crèche staff.

How many children can one teacher handle at the crèche?

The standard guide in terms of teacher child ratio in an ordinary setting is six children to a teacher. Children’s World tries to retain manageable ratios and this is usually guided by the age range of the children using the facility and the suggested level of care demanded by the client.

What are the rules of the crèche?

At the commencement of a management arrangement between Children’s World and a client group, basic rules of engagement are agreed between the parties. Part of the terms cover the rules of engagement between parents and the crèche and these must be provided and adhered to by all users of the crèche. The intention is always to ensure the best possible environment for the children in the crèche.

What are the greatest benefits of using the crèche?

Benefits span from convenience and flexibility for the parent, to the stimulation and attendant growth for the children. Growing in a diverse, stimulating environment is valuable for each child attending the crèche.

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